Category: foodborne illnesses

Salmonella: From Drug Resistant to Extensively Drug-Resistant (XDR)

Salmonella is perhaps the most common cause of food poisoning. It has the advantage of being able to infect a wide range of hosts and survive in habitats ranging from animal fur to lettuce leaves. However, a rising trend of drug-resistant Salmonella cases (pdf), as indicated in a review published in the journal Foods, points…

The Quickest Way to Defrost Meat

Microwaves sure do come in handy when we’re in a hurry to eat. Oatmeal can be made in two minutes. Soups can be reheated in two minutes. Even chicken dinners can be heated in just a couple minutes. But can microwaves safely thaw raw food? According to the USDA, microwaving is one of the three safe ways you…