Category: food production

Environmental and Political Elites Are Destroying Food Production for ‘Climate’ Goals

Commentary In the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, a special thematic part was dedicated to anticipating the future on Earth in the winter of 2022. The visitors had the opportunity to vote for the topic they find important and want to learn more about. The three knowledge offered choices were 1) how development…

A List Of 33 Things We Know About The Coming Food Shortages | Facts Matter

Unbeknownst to most people, there are major problems coming down the pipe in regards to global food production—problems that might turn full supermarket store shelves into empty ones. Over the past several months, many different factors have all worked together to make the amount of food produced this year substantially less than normal. And it…

Food More Expensive, But Shortage Unlikely Amid Solid Harvest Expectations

Americans need to reach deeper into their wallets at the grocery checkout, but there’s no indication the shelves will be barren, according to farmer survey data that tracks production. Food prices were up more than 10 percent year-over-year in June, with flour jumping almost 20 percent. Farmers have been hit with a conflation of adversities,…

Analysis: China Buying US Farmland; What Happens After Confucius Institutes Close in the US

Chinese state companies are buying up U.S. farmland, part of a strategic process behind the global land grab by the Chinese Communist Party. What is it for? A new 300-acre land purchase near a U.S. Air Force base may give us indications. I also speak with Rachelle Peterson and Ian Oxnevad from the National Association…

Tens of Thousands of Hens Die as Blaze Destroys Minnesota Poultry Farm Building

One of Minnesota’s largest egg producers suffered a considerable setback on May 29 when one of its poultry buildings in Howard Lakes went up in flames. Wright County fire officials reportedly are still trying to determine the cause of the blaze at Forsman Farms that razed the structure killing tens of thousands of egg-laying hens….

Fire at Minnesota Poultry Farm Building Kills Tens of Thousands of Chickens

Tens of thousands of egg-laying chickens are estimated to have been killed in a barn fire on May 28 at one of Minnesota’s largest egg producers. Wright County fire officials reportedly are still trying to determine the cause of the blaze at Forsman Farms that destroyed the building. “We’re surveying the damage to see if…

World Farmers Struggling With Increased Food Demands and Supply Chain Disruptions

Talk of food shortages and empty shelves has been at the forefront of agricultural discussions around the globe for more than two years as production demands have increased and farmers are scrambling to match the pace. Aggravating the economic aftershocks of the pandemic and supply chain recovery efforts was Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Feb….

Farmers Struggling With Increased Food Demands, Supply Chain Disruptions

Talk of food shortages and empty shelves has been at the forefront of agricultural discussions around the globe for more than two years as production demands have increased and farmers are scrambling to match the pace. Aggravating the economic aftershocks of the COVID-19 pandemic and supply chain recovery efforts was Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on…

Medical Journals Committing Malpractice With Climate Change Public Health Crisis Misdiagnosis

Commentary Almost every mainstream media “news” outlet last week uncritically parroted a joint statement issued on behalf of more than 200 medical journals claiming climate change poses a dire threat to human health. Had the media checked the facts, they would have found the medical journals’ statement was wrong. Data consistently show human health has…