Category: first island chain

Taiwan’s Loss of Independence Would Obstruct US From Projecting Power in Asia: James Carafano

Given Taiwan’s geostrategic location as first in a chain of islands, if the self-governed island falls into the hands of China, America will no longer be able to project power in Asia, according to James Carafano, director of the Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies. “If the Communist China controlled everything in…

The Lessons Taiwan Can Learn From Ukraine—With John Mills

The Chinese Communist Party seeks to destroy the United States—from economics to the military—all while their eyes are on Taiwan and beyond. Taiwan is on the front line of freedom. If Taiwan falls, the next island chain is American territory like Guam. I speak with John Mills—former director of cybersecurity policy, strategy, and international affairs…

The China Challenge in the Pacific Ocean—With Paul Giarra | China Insider With David Zhang

What are the elements stopping the Chinese military from advancing in the Pacific Ocean? And are Western nations doing enough to stop the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)? These questions trouble military and geopolitical experts every day. Perhaps the even bigger question is, what do we stand to lose? I speak with Commander Paul Giarra, president…