Category: financial education

How to Take Control of Your Financial Destiny, from Money Expert Jaspreet Singh

As a child of immigrants, Jaspreet Singh grew up thinking that success meant being a doctor or a lawyer. But while attending college and law school, the true meaning of success changed for him—when he experimented with launching several businesses, including an event planning company, and discovered a penchant for entrepreneurship. But after he was…

Kids and Money: Readers Advice on Teaching Kids About Money

By Steve Rosen From Tribune Content Agency My columns on motivating kids to learn their financial ABCs generated lots of advice from readers over the past year. Their input covered everything from how to deal with difficult money questions, the need for more financial education in classrooms, being aware of identity scams, tackling knotty ethical…

Girl Scouts Boost Financial Education Programming

By Steve Rosen From Tribune Content Agency Girl Scouts: It’s not just about cookie season and selling boxes of Thin Mints, Lemon-Ups, and Caramel deLites. Girl Scouts is also about learning money management skills, entrepreneurship, and other financial concepts. And that focus on stimulating the financial mind-set and enlightening scouts about the importance of being…

Commitment to Financial Literacy Creates a Pathway to Increased Financial Inclusion

Four essential financial skills that must be learned in life are: opening a bank account, building and maintaining credit, investing, and saving for retirement. The problem is that these essential four are rarely being taught alongside Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and other subjects in schools as part of critical skills. But, this knowledge…

Money Illiteracy Could Ruin Your Child and Maybe You

Many schools fail at financial education, but so do some parents and employers, financial educators say. Most K-12 American public schools don’t provide children with money management skills, studies show. Only 21 out of 50 states require financial education courses to graduate from high school, according to the Council for Economic Education latest “Survey of…

Is Your Teen Financially Fit?

Dear Parents of Teens: The pandemic has changed our everyday reality in so many ways—financially, educationally, and socially. Money may be tighter. Kids may be doing online school. And we’re all spending a lot more time at home. But for all the changes in our lives, according to a recent Schwab survey, there’s one thing…

How to Teach Your Kids About Money

If you guys have been hearing the term “financial literacy” a lot, there’s a good reason—it’s one of the most important money-related topics! And that’s why April has been named Financial Literacy Month. I’m a huge believer in financial literacy for everyone, but this stuff is especially important if you have kids who are in…

The Real Secret to Reaching Your Financial Goals in 2021

January is here, and we all have high hopes for this year—especially after 2020. But here’s the thing about a new year: It’s still the same you. When midnight came on New Year’s Eve, there was no magic wand that transformed you and took all your problems away. The only way anything is going to change…

Raise Your Financial IQ in 2021

Dear Readers: It’s that time again. And while you may have promised yourself to be smarter about your finances in 2021, we all know that New Year’s resolutions are notoriously ineffective. Despite our best intentions, the vast majority of us simply don’t follow through. So this year, instead of making an overwhelming list of things…