Category: fake news

Keeping the Faith With ‘Science’

Commentary An interesting article at the RealClearPolitics website by J. Peder Zane recently explained “Why Newspapers Refuse to Correct Errors.” In case you’re a bit pressed for time and don’t want to look it up for yourself, I’ll give you the Reader’s Digest Condensed Books version in a single word. (Spoiler alert!) The word is…

Not Just CNN: Mainstream Media Is on the Ropes

Commentary I’m beginning to sense something many of us have dreamed about since the beginning of this century—the serious decline of the mainstream media. Dare I say a tipping point has come, that the witch is dead? Not quite, but she’s clearly stumbling around on her broomstick, wondering what to do next. I’m not just…

Trust in the US Media Is in Free Fall: Poll

Trust in media, whether it be traditional or alternate, has declined considerably over the years across all political spheres, according to a recent poll by I&I/TIPP Insights. To understand the current stance regarding mainstream media, the poll asked, “Generally speaking, how much trust do you have in the traditional or established news media (Example: Washington…

China’s Fake News Exposed

As allegations of “fake news” splash across American headlines, the term appears to be a familiar one to Chinese state-run media outlets as well. In recent years, a number of examples have raised red flags among netizens. And some of the country’s state-owned media now appear to have few reservations about tweaking the facts in…

EpochTV Review: Interview with Founder of Project Veritas: How the Media and Big Tech Use Propaganda and Intimidation to Silence the Truth

Commentary In this episode of “Facts Matter,” host Roman Balmakov sits down with James O’Keefe, founder of Project Veritas, to discuss the relationship between the media, big tech, and those in government, and how they work together to manufacture consent among the general public. Project Veritas is the leading undercover media organization in the nation….

On Misinformation 

Commentary When Donald Trump started talking about “fake news,” the charge hit home so squarely that the media had to come up with a strong rejoinder, something to deflect it. They couldn’t outright deny it, for too many news flashes turned out to be just that, altogether fake (the pee tape, Jussie Smollett, the Covington…

Gab CEO Andrew Torba Says He Refuses to Comply With ‘Draconian’ German Network Enforcement Act

Andrew Torba, the founder and CEO of Gab, has said he will not be complying with the German Network Enforcement Act, despite mounting legal fines from authorities. In a blog post published on Sept. 20, Tora said he had received a “huge packet of documents with fines and legal threats from the nation state of Germany”…

Trump Accuses Legacy Media of Spreading ‘Fake News’ Claim ‘No Evidence of Election Fraud’

Former President Donald Trump on Sunday accused legacy media outlets of continuously spreading the claim that “there is no evidence of election fraud,” adding in a statement that “in the end, truth will win.” “The New York Times, and others, always insert a clause into their stories, ‘without evidence, that the election was decided fraudulently.’…

Chinese State Media Use Indian Air Force Footage in Centennial Propaganda

The Chinese regime’s English media channel China Global Television Network (CGTN) released a propaganda video of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) on its official Twitter for the communist party’s centennial on July 1. Social media users immediately discovered that the clip used a video segment from the Indian Air Force. On June…

Fake News About Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines Becomes a Most Searched Trend on China’s Social Media

A negative news report on Moderna vaccines recently set off a debate on China’s social media. Moderna is a drug company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The firm has developed a COVID-19 vaccine. On Jan. 27, an article titled “WHO Does Not Recommend MODERNA COVID-19 Vaccines” appeared on a host of Chinese state media outlets, including…