Category: excess gas

Say Goodbye to Embarrassing Flatulence: Warning Signs and How to Find Relief With Tea and Acupuncture

Intestinal gas and flatulence are normal phenomena in the human body, as these are part of detoxification. An average of 10 to 20 farts per day is considered normal. However, why can’t some people stop having loud or particularly pungent flatulence? Is foul gas a warning sign of potential intestinal problems? Dr. Wu Hung-Chien from…

Is Excess Gas Related to Colorectal Cancer? 1 Symptom to Watch For

Farting (flatulence) is a natural process, but it can be embarrassing to accidentally pass a smelly fart in front of other people, especially in a confined space. Why do farts stink? If you often pass foul-smelling gas, beware of gastrointestinal problems, or even colorectal cancer. These Foods Make Intestinal Gas Smell Like ‘Rotten Eggs’ Flatulence…