Category: equity

California Approves Math Curriculum Promoting ‘Social Justice’ Over Standard Skills

The California State Board of Education approved a new math framework on July 12 that has generated controversy. Critics argue that the framework promotes teaching political activism to children instead of focusing on math skills and standards. The framework, outlined in a 1,000-page guidance document, underwent four years of revision and three drafts based on…

10 Reasons Why Affirmative Action Died

Commentary The end of affirmative action was inevitable. The only surprise was that such intentions gone terribly wrong lasted so long. First, supporters of racial preferences always pushed back the goal posts for the program’s success. Was institutionalized reverse bias to last 20 years, 60 years, or ad infinitum? Parity became defined as an absolute…

War Against Profits Is a War Against Prosperity

Commentary White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently reiterated a point the Biden White House has been making for the past year: that inflation remains high not because of the Biden $6 trillion spending spree but because “high profit margins” captured during the COVID-19 pandemic drive up consumer prices. We then were told that the…

Michael Zwaagstra: Ideology Trumps Merit in Toronto Schools

Commentary As the old saying goes, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Poor grammar notwithstanding, this is in fact very good advice. You shouldn’t take apart your car’s engine, for example, when things are running smoothly. It’s a surefire way to create problems where none had previously existed. Too bad the administrators and trustees…

Group Advocating ‘Race-Blind America’ Wants Medical Schools to Admit DEI’s Harm

A nonprofit advocating for a race-blind America vows to take its pushback on the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives in medical schools to a new level: asking leadership to admit the harm of DEI to medicine. Earlier in May, the efforts of Color Us United (CUU) and its partners drove the University of North…

Biden Administration Focuses on Equity in New Artificial Intelligence Efforts

The federal Department of Education on May 23 released an “Insights and Recommendations” report on artificial intelligence in education, part of a suite of Biden administration announcements that stress what they see as the need for “equity” in AI. “The department holds that biases in AI algorithms must be addressed when they introduce or sustain unjust…

The Numbers Are In on How Biden-Era Funding Is Skewing Scientific Research Ever-Wokeward

News analysis While pushing record spending for research and development, the Biden administration is working not just to advance science but also progressive ideology. In line with the administration’s “whole of government” commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), recent grants and requests for proposals from the National Science Foundation (NSF) encompass research that: Examines…

Creating a ‘New Normal’ for Science: Should We Really Leave That ‘Mission’ to the Feds?

Commentary Ronald Reagan once quipped that the nine most terrifying words in the English language are, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” He might have spared some thought on the terrors inflicted by those who presume to advise government. We rightly blame elected officials for poor judgment. We should also blame the…

Biden Admin AI Announcements Tout ‘Racial Equity,’ Need for AI Safety

The Biden administration on May 4 announced a variety of artificial intelligence (AI) policies and programs, including news on government use of AI that comes on the heels of a February executive order to embed “racial equity” in government AI. Specifically, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) will be releasing draft guidance on government…