Category: deprivation

Social Isolation Bad for Social Mammals–Who Knew?

Commentary Prairie voles were not meant to go through life alone. For those who have not had the privilege of meeting one, a prairie vole is a diminutive rodent autochthonous to the grasslands of the central parts of North America and best characterized as wrong-looking gerbils with rambunctious souls. A favorite snack of coyotes, hawks,…

On Economics, the White House Is Gaslighting

The latest polls show that 83 percent of the public believes that the economy is performing poorly or not so good. The top problem is of course inflation running at 8.4 percent officially but real-time data clocks it closer to 12 percent, and transportation at 22.4 percent. The flip side of rising prices is declining…

Lockdowns, Closures, and the Loss of Moral Clarity

Commentary Last weekend, an 18-year-old kid slogged a powerful weapon into a Buffalo, New York, grocery store and started shooting people based on race. Thirteen people were slaughtered. His goal was to start a race war, along the lines of the fiction books that inspired his online gurus. He live-streamed the carnage and left a…