Category: colonoscopy

With Large Injury Numbers, Is a Colonoscopy Even Worth It?

👉 Sponsor OFFER: Get pure, easy to store American Elderberry extract at 20 percent off now through Feb. 15, 2023, with code Health20 at ———– A colonoscopy is not a pleasant procedure. But the mainstream medical consensus is that it saves lives from colorectal cancer. And yet, a major European study that involved 84,585…

Colonoscopy: Unexpected Results From a Major Study, Is It Worth Doing?

Although many view a colonoscopy as an uncomfortable or even scary procedure, 17.7 million of them are carried out annually in the United States, and 60.6 percent of people have had one in the past 10 years. It’s believed that a colonoscopy not only helps find cancer but also prevents cancer from developing from polyps….

Is Colonoscopy Your Best Bet to Avoid Colorectal Cancer?

Did you know you have multiple acceptable screening methods available, yet most doctors simply recommend colonoscopy without reviewing the options, benefits and drawbacks of each for their patients? It’s important to realize that colonoscopy is not a risk-free procedure. STORY AT-A-GLANCE Colon cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the U.S., and the…

The Truth About Colonoscopies, Part 3

As discussed in Part 1 of this series, colonoscopies are a major money-maker for the conventional medicine machine, generating at least $42B per year, year after year. Is it any wonder they backpedal on any suggestions that could reduce the number of annual procedures? The caveat is always ‘colonoscopies are the Gold Standard for screening’ (maybe it’s really…

The Truth About Colonoscopies, Part 2

As discussed in Part 1 of this series, colonoscopies are a major money-maker for the conventional medicine machine, generating at least $42B per year, year after year. And that’s without taking into consideration the cost complications. We also briefly talked about polyps – which rarely become cancerous. Doctors can charge more for the procedure if they remove…

The Truth About Colonoscopy, Part 1

In my practice at Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center, I frequently get asked this question: Should I get a colonoscopy? I generally answer like this: I have long had reservations about  ‘routine’ colonoscopy screening based on age. I’ve seen complications and I’ve never been convinced the test is as beneficial for routine screening as promoted, especially in asymptomatic persons with no…

Alternatives to the Dangers and Indignities of Colonoscopies

I had my first colonoscopy when I turned 50. It wasn’t fun, but I did what I was told and I believed the common line that it was something I needed to endure. The prep was unpleasant, but I kept good reading material with me all day for those frequent trips to the bathroom. The…