Category: Christmas tree prices

Christmas Tree Shortage Stumps Australian Holiday Celebrations

The extreme rainfall that has fallen across New South Wales in 2022 has created a supply shortage of real Christmas trees, triggering a rapid rise in the price of this Christmas tradition in Australia. This comes as Australia has been hit by its third consecutive La Nina, with Sydney experiencing its wettest October on record,…

Christmas Tree Shortage Stumps Australian Christmas Celebrations

The extreme rainfall that has fallen across New South Wales in 2022 has created a supply shortage of real Christmas trees, triggering a rapid rise in the price of this Christmas tradition in Australia. This comes as Australia has been hit by its third consecutive La Nina, with Sydney experiencing its wettest October on record,…

Price of Christmas Trees Rising as Inflation Hits Home

Consumers are spending more money to purchase real Christmas trees in 2022 than they did last year. There is an abundance of Christmas trees available, but that hasn’t reduced the purchase price. Megan and Matthew Krugger, owners of Mistletoe Acres Tree Farm in East Bridgewater, Mass. (Courtesy of Mistletoe Acres Tree Farm) A survey of…