Category: china’s nuclear navy

Epoch TV Review: China is Buying and May Weaponize Seaports Worldwide

Commentary In an episode of “China in Focus,” Tiffany Meier exposes the buying spree that China has been on for seaports around the world. The episode looks into China’s port acquisitions over the past 10 years, some of the potential motives behind the purchases, how Beijing may intend to weaponize these ports, and what Chinese…

The CCP Wants to Be the Most Powerful Force on Earth

In this episode of “China in Focus,” Tiffany Meier delves into China’s nuclear ambition—where it could lead in the future, what it means for the world, and how it differs from the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Meier interviewed Patty-Jane Geller, policy analyst of nuclear deterrents and missile defense at the Heritage Foundation, and…