Category: Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

Digital Money Plus Electric Cars Equal Fascist America

Commentary The administrative state is moving faster to cement its totalitarian rule over the United States of America than we can to keep pace. They are doing this because they realize the majority of our people oppose their wishes, but if they are able to impose them by fiat before that opposition forms and reacts,…

‘CBDCs Grease the Slippery Slope to Financial Slavery and Political Tyranny’: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

The U.S. government will use the current financial crisis to promote a central bank digital currency (CBDC), warned Robert F. Kennedy Jr., adding that such a move will only culminate in absolute financial surveillance and threaten basic personal liberties. “CBDCs grease the slippery slope to financial slavery and political tyranny. While cash transactions are anonymous,…

Republican Bill Seeks to Ban Central Bank Digital Currency in US Over Privacy Concerns

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz introduced new legislation on March 21 that would ban the Federal Reserve from launching a “direct-to-consumer” central bank digital currency (CBDC), citing concerns over its potential to be used as a “financial surveillance tool” by the federal government. The latest bill is a second attempt by Cruz to stop the Federal Reserve…

DeSantis Fights Move Toward Converting Dollar to Central Digital Currency

PANAMA CITY, Fla.—Gov. Ron DeSantis denounced federal consideration of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) on March 20 and called for the state legislature to ban it in Florida and for other states to do the same. DeSantis, who is expected to declare his candidacy for president, has used daily press conferences to showcase his…

‘Dangerous Surveillance’: Republican Lawmaker Wants to Ban Federal Reserve From Issuing Digital Currency

House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-Minn.) has introduced legislation that seeks to prevent the Federal Reserve from issuing a central bank digital currency (CBDC), while insisting that a digital equivalent to the dollar must uphold privacy and sovereignty. The “CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act” prohibits the Federal Reserve from issuing a CBDC directly to an individual….

Federal Government’s Digital Dollar Seen as Threat to Personal Liberty

As the federal government advances its plans to create a central bank digital currency (CBDC), critics are sounding the alarm about how much power a digital dollar would place in the hands of federal agencies. The latest step toward a CBDC, called “Project Cedar,” was launched by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York last…