Category: California Legislative Analyst

California Can’t Afford Newsom’s Revised Spending Plan: LAO

Recent spending proposals outlined in Gov. Gavin Newsom’s May budget revision outpace revenues, with the chance the state can afford its spending levels less than one-in-six across a five-year period, according to a report released May 23 by the state’s nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office. “If the Legislature adopts the Governor’s May Revision proposals, the state…

Prices up 17 Percent in California Since 2020, Inflation Impacting Consumers

California has experienced one of the highest levels of inflation in the nation since 2020, with prices jumping 17 percent on average, according to a recent report from the state’s Legislative Analysts’ Office. “It’s been worse for us than the numbers suggest,” California Bay Area resident Lisa Jackson told The Epoch Times. “Everything I have…

Legislative Analyst Opposes Newsom’s $300 Million Plan for California’s Poorest Schools

California’s legislative analyst last month opposed Gov. Gavin Newsom’s $300 million earmarked in his proposed 2023–24 budget proposal to fix academic gaps and racial disparities in the state’s lowest-income schools—saying the state should focus on accountability and transparency instead. The additional funds—which Newsom calls “equity multiplier”—came at the push from members of the Legislative Black…

California Legislative Analyst Discovers ‘Seiler’s Law’ on Budget Spending Limit

Commentary Back in 2003, I was perusing some state budget documents and found an interesting correlation. When state general-fund spending rose above 6.2 percent of the income of Californians, inevitably the state would run deficits, get into budget trouble, and end up having to make sharp budget cuts and tax increases. The data came from…