Category: breeding

Highflyers | Documentary

This film is only available in North America, the UK, and Australia because of territorial licensing. Andreas Drapa used to be a regular tiler in a small town, breeding pigeons in his free time. Now, he’s Germany’s wealthiest high-class racing pigeon breeder, a millionaire, and a business partner of the rich in China and Dubai,…

Teenagers From Outer Space (1959)

A young alien and a teenage earthling fall in love and plot to stop the alien’s race from using Earth as a food-breeding ground for giant lobsters from their planet. Credit: Public Domain Movies – Feature Films: Cinema collection: Epoch Original content: Feature Films: * Click the “Save” button below the video…

Wounded ‘Pup’ Dropped Into Lady’s Yard by Bird Turns Out to Be Rare Dingo Down Under

When an Aussie woman discovered a wounded pup in her backyard, she assumed he was a dog or a fox. After DNA testing, he turned out to be an endangered species of wild dingo. Two years on, the rehabilitated pup has become a crucial player in an ongoing breeding program. The dingo pup was found…

Gentle Giants’: 5 of the World’s Largest Draft Horses—Displaying Awesome Power With a Tender Touch

Out of the approximately 300 horse breeds in the world, some of the most impressive are also the most gargantuan. Each has its own set of unique qualities which allows it to undertake particular tasks. Large horses are commonly referred to as “gentle giants,” as they often display patience and docility, in addition to awesome power….

Photographer Captures 2 Kingfishers Battling It Out Mid-Air in Ferocious Fight Over Territory

These kingfishers look like two very angry birds—the pair were caught on camera battling it out mid-air over breeding territory. Photographer Jonathon Rosborough, 25, from Ballymena, Northern Ireland, took the pictures along a river called Sixmile Water, in Antrim, Northern Ireland. The pictures show two brightly colored kingfishers wresting for domination over one another in…

Two Sessions: Seeds, Breeding Animals is Chinese Agriculture’s Key Bottleneck

Chinese top politicians are facing a tough bottleneck issue, how to develop China’s stock of seeds and breeding animals, at the two sessions—the Chinese Communist Party’s most important annual political conference from March 4 to 11. “China faces a similar dilemma in the seeds and breeding animals industries as it does with semiconductor chips,” China…