Category: benefits of honey

Treating Canker Sores With Honey

What works better against aphthous ulcers? Honey applied with a cotton swab three times a day after meals was compared head-to-head against an over-the-counter soothing pain-relieving paste and a prescription steroid cream. We’ve known about painful aphthous ulcers, commonly referred to as canker sores, for thousands of years. “They are the most common lesion of the oral mucosa,” (the lining of our mouths) notes…

Raw Honey: A Natural Sweetener With Health Benefits

Consuming honey, nature’s sweet gift freely given through the work and movement of honeybees, gets sweeter in light of its wide-ranging health benefits. If you reach for honey for your cup of freshly brewed tea or to sweeten your homemade desserts, you may already know that science favors honey for its wholesome health benefits versus…