Category: Battlefields Project

Faces in the Crowd: Remembering Our Fallen

Commentary Sometimes they’re everywhere. I see them in my dreams; I see them in someone else’s face. I sometimes see the back of someone’s head, the way the tapered haircut might make him look like every other 20-something male in a chow hall or formation, and for just a moment, there’s a ray of hope….

America’s Shadow Warrior/Diplomats: The Defense Attaché Service

Commentary  “As in all conflicts, success will depend on our ability to adapt …” David Kilcullen As the world teeters on the edge of war between Russia and the West, diplomatic efforts to reach a peaceful settlement continue. Ongoing negotiations hope, in a last-ditch effort, to forestall a potential conflict the likes of which Europe has…

Losers Wanted: Talent Management in the US Military

Commentary “I had no thought of rank; all I did was try:”  Ulysses Grant. The climate of the military profession is clouded with personal ambitions. Is the most honorable way to execute a commission to be self-aware enough to realize where to apply one’s skills within the framework of the Department of Defense (DoD)? The…

What It Means to Be an ‘Educated’ Transitioning Veteran

Commentary So how about some tips on the transition between those two—from warfighter into civilian, and all the intricacies therein? Having done that very thing and watched many others go through the process, I want to offer the following as a simple yet easy-to-follow guide for understanding this difficult period in a veteran’s life. Officer…

Our Sacred Oath: To Be or to Do?

Commentary Dedicated to the memory of P.O. Stephen P. Driscoll, ESU Squad 4, Badge #17482, NYPD “Fidelis ad Mortem” A jumble of thoughts and emotions has been pinballing off the edges of my mind as we approach the loss of Afghanistan at the 20-year milestone of 9/11. But the one thought that resonates came from…