Category: Australian Labor Party

Tasmanian Labor Leader Appoints Long-Time Education Unionist as Chief of Staff

The new leader of Tasmania’s opposition, David O’Byrne, has appointed former unionist Grahame McCulloch to be his chief of staff despite concerns over the influence of left-leaning factions within Tasmanian Labor, which are believed to have driven voters away from the Party at the previous elections. McCulloch, who was the National Tertiary Education Union leader for…

Australian Labor Party Leader Denies Losing Support of Mining Communities

Federal Labor leader Anthony Albanese has rejected suggestions that blue-collar workers have turned their back on the party following a loss in the Upper Hunter byelection. In contrast, fellow Labor MP Joel Fitzgibbon, whose federal seat covers a similar area, argued that the sharp decline Labor saw in its primary vote over the weekend should…

Labor Promises $10B for Social Housing in Budget Reply

Australian Opposition leader Anthony Albanese has promised a $10 billion (US$7.7 billion) housing fund to build 30,000 social and affordable housing as part of Labor’s response to the 2021 Budget. In his Budget reply speech, Albanese said the Labor Party was committed to lifting wages, fixing age care, addressing the housing crisis, championing equality for…

Labor MP Warns Party of Straying Too Far Down the ‘Wokeness’ Path

Tania Mihailuk, a New South Wales (NSW) state MP has warned that the left-leaning Labor Party needs to steer away from “wokeness” and back to the centre, otherwise it risks losing the support of Sydney’s extensive multicultural and religious communities. The remarks follow the release of the NSW Parliament’s Joint Select Committee report into how…

Australian Labor Party to Recognise Palestine If Elected

The Australian Labor Party (ALP) has pledged to recognise Palestine as a sovereign state if it wins the next federal election and forms government. Arthur Tane of The Council of Middle East Relations says the move is sudden and suspects Labor leader Anthony Albanese may be working to appease the left-leaning factions of his Party….

Labor Plans for Innovation to Create Future Jobs

The Australian Labor Party (ALP) is putting the commercialisation of science and research at the centre of the political party’s future job-making policy, which it intends to take to the next election. Announcing the policy platform in an address to the National Press Club on Wednesday, Deputy Labor leader Richard Marles said Australia’s manufacturing sector’s viability…