Category: assisted suicide

Opponents of Assisted Suicide Express Alarm at Committee Report Recommending MAID for ‘Mature Minors’

Opponents of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) expansion are expressing alarm about a new report on MAID with 23 recommendations, including one that the federal government offer assisted suicide to “mature minors” if they face a natural death that is “reasonably foreseeable.” The report, “Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada: Choices for Canadians,” was tabled…

More Than Half of Canadians Against Assisted Suicide for Mentally Ill: Poll

The majority of Canadians are not in favour of expanding medically assisted suicide, and rather have deep concerns and discomfort with the idea, according to a new poll conducted by the nonprofit Angus Reid Institute, in partnership with Cardus, a think tank. “Less than one-third of Canadians are comfortable with offering medically assisted suicide to those suffering…

Majority of Canadians Are Against Assisted Suicide for Mentally Ill: Poll

The majority of Canadians are not in favour of expanding medically assisted suicide, and rather have deep concerns and discomfort with the idea, according to a new poll conducted by the nonprofit Angus Reid Institute, in partnership with Cardus, a think tank. “Less than one-third of Canadians are comfortable with offering medically assisted suicide to those suffering…

Canada Provides More Organs From Assisted Suicide Recipients for Transplant Than Any Other Country

Canadian patients who opt for euthanasia provide more transplant organs than any other country globally that allows physician-assisted suicide, according to the first international review of medical assistance in dying (MAID). Patients in Canada who decide to end their lives with physician help also contributed to almost half of the world’s documented organ transplants occurring…

HHS Proposes New Federal Rule Limiting Health Workers’ Religious, Conscience Rights

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) officials are proposing new federal regulations they claim will better protect the religion and conscience rights of individuals seeking or providing health care services. The proposed regulation—the Safeguarding the Rights of Conscience as Protected by Federal Statutes—was posted in the Federal Register on Dec. 29 for a 60-day…

Government Agent Who Suggested Assisted Suicide to Veterans No Longer Employed in Department

An employee of Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) who allegedly suggested military veterans consider euthanasia is no longer employed by the department. Erika Lashbrook Knutson, spokesperson for Minister of Veterans Affairs Lawrence MacAulay, said privacy rules prevent the government from disclosing whether the female employee was fired or resigned. She was first suspended. “We had to follow to…

Assisted Suicide Opponents Celebrate Reprieves in Canada and Abroad

Opponents of assisted suicide have something to cheer about this holiday season as proposals to expand the procedure have suffered setbacks. Canada’s medical assistance in dying (MAiD) legislation included a provision to exclude those whose sole condition is a mental illness until March 17, 2023. But as of Dec. 15, the moratorium on their eligibility has…

Euthanasia Without Brakes

Commentary ​In my first ever anti-euthanasia piece, which was published in Newsweek back in 1993, I warned that legalizing assisted suicide would lead to organ harvesting of those killed by doctors “as a plum to society.” For my trouble. I was called alarmist and hysterical—and those were the nice letters. Alas, rather than being alarmist,…

Commercial Forays Into Social Issues Highlighted by Simons Ad on Assisted Death

The man who launched a boycott of a Quebec fashion retailer that ran an ad on its website highlighting medical assistance in dying says the ad demonstrates the willingness of corporations to weigh in on social issues, even to the point of being controversial. “It’s become the new thing that if you’re a corporation, and…

Assisted Suicide: Canada Slides Down Slippery Slope; Montana Left in Legal Limbo

Canada is now a world leader in physician-assisted suicide (PAS)—and it only took a few years to get there. Critics of medical assistance in dying, or MAiD as Canada calls it, point to Canada as a prime example of how slippery the slope can be once the line is crossed and the practice is made…