Category: Arturo Carlos Murillo Prijic

2 Former Top Bolivian Officials Charged in Bribery Scheme

U.S. authorities have charged two former top officials of the government of Bolivia in connection with an international bribery and money laundering scheme. Arturo Carlos Murillo Prijic, the former minister of the Bolivian government, and Sergio Rodrigo Mendez Mendizabal, his former chief of staff, each face up to 20 years imprisonment on money laundering charges…

Two Former Top Bolivian Officials Charged in Bribery Scheme

U.S. authorities on Wednesday charged two former top officials of the government of Bolivia in connection to an international bribery and money laundering scheme. Arturo Carlos Murillo Prijic, the former minister of the government of Bolivia, and Sergio Rodrigo Mendez Mendizabal, the former chief of staff of the Ministry of Government of Bolivia, face up…