Category: American Schools

Public School: What Every Parent Needs to Know

Forty years ago, President Ronald Reagan announced the findings of a study on the state of education in America. Citing the infamous report “A Nation at Risk,” the president declared, “Our education system, once the finest in the world, is in a sorry state of disrepair.” Four decades later, how are America’s government schools doing?…

Distrusting Parents Should ‘Take Your Children Elsewhere,’ Maine Teacher Admonishes

If parents don’t like how public school teachers instruct their children, they should take them and leave, the head of a local teachers’ union in Maine said during at an official community meeting. Third-grade teacher Erin York, president of the Hermon Education Association (HEA), passionately addressed parents during a Hermon School Committee meeting on Oct….

Leader in School Board Recall Bid Facing False Complaint Charges

With a looming recall election swirling around the culture wars in a small Colorado town, authorities confirmed their arrest of a recall leader on false complaint charges. The Woodland Park Police Department confirmed in a press release late last week their arrest of Samantha Peck, one of the leaders of a recall campaign aimed at…

Group’s Audit of Florida School District Reveals Officials Often ‘Don’t Know’ Own Curriculum

By failing to properly follow state law, its own founding charter, and sponsoring the school district’s stated policy, a Central Florida high school had to deny about 40 students college credits they had worked a semester to earn. What happened in Lake Wales Charter Schools isn’t evidence of any grand scheme by local administrators to…

God Last, Chaos First

“Ma’am, I need you to come pick up your daughter,” I say into the phone. “She has been suspended for continual and willful defiance.” “What did she do?” comes the reply. “Yesterday, she cussed out our dean when he asked her to go to class,” I answer, glossing past the many times she had skipped…

California School Launches Investigation Against Teacher for Allegedly Making Fun of Conservatives in Class Quiz

A California high school teacher appeared to mock conservatives in a high school test given to students last week, resulting in a school investigation and criticism from parents. The multiple-choice question posed to Whitney High School students in the social science class said, “A group of complete idiots.” The possible answers given were “A) KKK;…

Larry P. Arnn: Real Education Focuses On Truth and Virtue, Not On Drawing Divisive Lines

Divisive forms of education are being taught in American schools, rewriting history in order to put everything in the context of race. Yet, real American history tells a very different story, and Hillsdale College has launched a new program to tell it. To learn more about this, we sat down for an interview with Hillsdale…

Tim Barton: Documents on Forgotten History Dispel the Lies About the American Story

An altered version of American history is being taught to kids in American schools and through legacy news outlets, aiming to re-frame American history. Yet what are the true narratives on American history? What documents support the real picture of American history? And what information has been kept from the public? To learn more about…

Why Not Call It Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?

Commentary A New Jersey school district has voted to eliminate ”the names of all religious and secular holidays from the school calendar … opting for the more generic description ‘Day Off.’” You can guess the reason. They used those increasingly popular words—“inclusive” and “equitable.” No more Christmas, Hanukkah, Memorial Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, or even…

Most American Schools Are Damaging Your Child

Commentary I have been telling parents for decades that sending a child to almost any college is playing Russian roulette with his or her values. But it is a different version of Russian roulette. In the traditional version, only one of the gun’s six chambers contains a bullet. In the college version of Russian roulette,…