Category: ambulances

Ambulance Crew Directive Reflects ‘Severity’ of Hospital Conditions in Los Angeles 

A directive to Los Angeles County emergency crews to avoid bringing adult patients into county hospitals who have little chance of resuscitation, or are proclaimed dead, reflects the seriousness of overstressed hospital conditions during the pandemic, says one expert. Under the order, emergency medics are not to transport patients to hospitals if “reasonable efforts” to resuscitate failed. “That person could be declared dead in the field rather than being brought…

Ambulance Crew Directive Reflects ‘Severity’ of LA Hospital Conditions

A directive to Los Angeles County emergency crews to avoid bringing adult patients into county hospitals who have little chance of resuscitation, or are proclaimed dead, reflects the seriousness of overstressed hospital conditions during the pandemic, says one expert. Under the order, emergency medics are not to transport patients to hospitals if “reasonable efforts” to resuscitate have failed. “That person could be declared dead in the field…

 Orange County Reports New Record In COVID-19 Hospitalizations

SANTA ANA (CNS)—Orange County continued its record-setting pace for COVID-19 hospitalizations Jan. 5, and the outbreak in the county’s jail also expanded with a record five inmates hospitalized. The number of patients hospitalized for coronavirus in the county rose from 2,178 Jan. 4 to 2,236, including an increase in intensive care patients from 500 to…