Category: Alex Salmond

Police Scotland Investigating Leaks From Scottish Government’s Salmond Inquiry

Police officers are investigating claims that information was leaked from the Scottish government’s inquiry of harassment complaints against Alex Salmond. Police Scotland confirmed it had received two complaints about the “potential unlawful disclosure of information.” These are now being investigated, it added. A Police Scotland spokeswoman said, “We have received two complaints regarding the potential…

Sturgeon: Independent Scotland Rejoining EU Would Need to Confront Border Issues

An independent Scotland would need to confront border issues with the rest of the UK if returning to the European Union, Nicola Sturgeon has said. Concerns have been raised by critics of Scottish independence who say Scotland rejoining the EU would result in a hard border with England. The First Minister told BBC Radio 4’s…

Scotland’s Salmond Launches Rival Pro-Independence Party

LONDON —Former Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond launched a new pro-independence party on Friday to run in May’s parliamentary election, a move that could splinter the separatist vote by grabbing support away from Nicola Sturgeon, his protege turned foe. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has repeatedly rejected calls for a fresh vote on Scottish independence…

Scottish Leader Fights Back in Row With Ex-mentor That Threatens Independence Drive

LONDON—Scottish leader Nicola Sturgeon on Wednesday defended her handling of sexual harassment complaints against her predecessor Alex Salmond in high-stakes testimony on an issue that threatens to scupper her dream of leading Scotland to independence. Describing the feud with Salmond as “one of the most invidious political and personal situations” she had ever faced, Sturgeon…