Category: Alamo

Wokeness at the Alamo: Fact Confronts Fantasy

Commentary History is not clean. We like its lines well defined and its stories in 20-second soundbites, but history is never that way. It’s messy. When it doesn’t fit the woke agenda, the prevaricators and provocateurs take license to just make things up, often swaying great numbers of people. Such is the case with the…

Video: Special Edition: Spirit of Texas

This video is published 185 years after the “The Battle of the Alamo”. Alamo is an enduring symbol of Texas’ resistance to oppression and how they strove for independence. We sincerely hope Texans stay strong during the current hardships. Our hearts go out to you. ————————————————————————— Texas holds a unique position in American culture. From…

Texas Independence Movement Gains Momentum: Daniel Miller

Proponents of Texas independence anticipate winning the referendum in which Texans will decide whether a process to determine the best way to withdraw from the union should be started, Daniel Miller, president of the Texas Nationalist Movement, told The Epoch Times. If radicals that are currently in Congress are put in charge of health, economy,…