Category: 303 Creative vs Elenis

Colorado Graphic Designer Fears for Her Life as Religious Freedom Case Heads to Supreme Court

Lorie Smith left the corporate world in 2012 to form her own website design firm, 303 Creative, which soon flourished. But in 2016 she was asked to create a design conveying a message about marriage that flatly violated her deeply held Christian faith. Smith declined. The requester complained to Colorado authorities, who made clear that…

Colorado Graphic Designer Fears for Her Life as Freedom of Speech Case Heads to Supreme Court

Lorie Smith left the corporate world in 2012 to form her own website design firm, 303 Creative, which soon flourished. But in 2016 she was asked to create a design conveying a same-sex marriage message that flatly violated her deeply held Christian faith. Smith declined to do so and when it became clear a Colorado…