Category: 2022 winter olympics

IOC Human Rights Audit Lacks Transparency and Credibility, Activists Say

In its Jan. 19 statement, the IOC said it conducted an audit on its suppliers of branded products with “due diligence”—a United Nations framework describing corporations’ responsibilities in upholding human rights—and “did not find any forced, bonded, indentured or child labor.” However, the IOC’s audit lacks both transparency in results and an “analysis of suppliers’…

Not Just CNN: Mainstream Media Is on the Ropes

Commentary I’m beginning to sense something many of us have dreamed about since the beginning of this century—the serious decline of the mainstream media. Dare I say a tipping point has come, that the witch is dead? Not quite, but she’s clearly stumbling around on her broomstick, wondering what to do next. I’m not just…

‘Shame on the IOC’: China Should Not Be Olympics Host, Former US Ambassador Says

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) should never have allowed the Chinese regime to host the Olympic Games in China, said Andrew Bremberg, a former U.S. representative to the Office of the United Nations. “What else does a country need to do in terms of terrible human rights abuses and bad behavior to merit a response…

‘Shame on the IOC’: China Shouldn’t Be Olympics Host, Former US Ambassador Says

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) should never have allowed the Chinese regime to host the Winter Olympic Games, according to Andrew Bremberg, a former U.S. representative to the Office of the United Nations. “What else does a country need to do in terms of terrible human rights abuses and bad behavior to merit a response…

International Lawmakers Urge UN Report on Xinjiang Before Beijing Olympics

Lawmakers from 20 countries are calling on the United Nations’ human rights office to release a long-awaited report on Beijing’s human rights violations in Xinjiang before Feb. 4, when the 2022 Winter Games is scheduled to start. “As the world’s attention turns towards Beijing for the start of the Winter Olympics, it is of paramount…

US Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Strip Olympic Committee of Tax-Exempt Status

Rep. Mike Waltz (R-Fla.) is seeking to strip the International Olympic Committee (IOC) of its tax-exempt status in the United States for turning a blind eye to genocide and other atrocities committed by the Chinese regime. “Beijing is the last place we should be hosting an Olympics,” Waltz told NTD’s “Capitol Report” in a recent…

US Lawmaker Seeks to Strip IOC of Tax-Exempt Status for Awarding Games to Beijing

Rep. Mike Waltz (R-Fla.) is seeking to strip the International Olympic Committee (IOC) of its tax-exempt status in the United States for turning a blind eye to genocide and other atrocities committed by the Chinese regime. “Beijing is the last place we should be hosting an Olympics,” Waltz told NTD’s “Capitol Report” in a recent…

US Lawmakers Seek to Strip IOC of Tax-Exempt Status for Awarding Games to Beijing

Rep. Mike Waltz (R-Fla.) is seeking to strip the International Olympic Committee (IOC) of its tax-exempt status in the United States for turning a blind eye to genocide and other atrocities committed by the Chinese regime. “Beijing is the last place we should be hosting an Olympics,” Waltz told NTD’s “Capitol Report,” pointing to how…

China’s 2022 Olympics App Can Spy on People: Researcher

A U.S. researcher is flagging a security flaw in a smartphone app that is mandatory for all those attending the 2022 Winter Olympics, describing what he found as “nefarious and concerning.” Jonathan Scott, lead mobile security engineer at fintech company cLabs, discovered the flaw recently after reverse-engineering both the iOS and Android versions of the…

Dystopian Olympics

Commentary The Olympics used to be about the unbridled spirit of athletes, of the best of the best pursuing the Olympic motto of “faster, higher, stronger” in competition on a world stage for their country’s glory and their own. The Olympics used to be about the three hallowed Olympian values—excellence, respect, friendship—that spoke of lifelong…